Went to collect my Sociology book after college today, (like finally…one more book down, 2 to go ._.)..took the LRT to KLCC and went to kinokuniya bookstore..got my book, a notepad, 2 pens and some roller refills :)…it’s super saddening to walk past all the clothing shops seeing all the pretty clothes at like super discounted prices and knowing u still can’t afford them :(…sigh…how i wish i have a never ending supply of ka-chings…then again, doesn’t everyone? :S…anyway, took the LRT back to college and drove home from there…that was basically how my day went…
simple enough right?…wrong! i seriously think today is a stupid stupid day…ughhh seriously..something’s majorly wrong with today =.=”…been forgetting things, tripping a lot, got a cut on my toe from a stupid chair –_- and to top it all off, almost got into an accident on my drive back home –_- gahhhh!! &$#^$#@%$#!
though the accident wasn’t my fault at all…this old man was driving his waja beside mine and we were going at about the same speed…i must’ve been at his blind spot or something cos he started coming REALLY close to my car(trying to cut into my lane) and he acted like i wasn’t there at all! scary shit! i was like literally centimetres away from the divider on my right! instantly i braked and horned him…and u know what? HE DIDN’T EVEN APOLOGISED! just quickly cut into my lane and sped off..WTF??? even the car that was behind me came around to my left and was mouthing “are u ok?” …but the stupid old man just sped off…wtf man…-_- seriously, i don’t mean to be rude to old people…but this uncle was way way too much! hmph! gah!
the conclusion is that today sucks…SUCKS!..%^$@!#@!$@#!^
[[ edited at 10.44 pm ]]
woohoo…mom’s angry at me…threatened to take my laptop and lock it :) good chance she will…and all because i was rushing to college this morning and didn’t wash up some dishes after eating my breakfast…pro…well if my blog ends up dead, u’ll know why :) wonderful day indeed…
i hate being alone…
i got disappointed…
what else is there left to say?
if you want me to let go,
please just let me know…
or i will be here waiting…
if you asked,
i will confess it all,
so just ask.